Weekly Bulletin
February 16th, 2025
"Christ is wisdom for your ignorance,
Strength for your weakness,
Righteousness for your guilt,
Sanctification for your corruption,
Redemption from all the bondage of your apostasy."
- Richard Fuller (1804-1876)
Opening by Chris Arbor
Call to Worship: Psalm 135:1-3
Hymn: O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing (136)
Responsive reading: Romans 5:1-11 (137)
Hymn: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (143)
Old Testament reading: Psalm 55
New Testament reading: Acts 16:1-15
Hymn: O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire (203)
Hymn: O the Love of My Redeemer (207)
(Children dismissed for Sunday School)
Meditations on Romans 14:10-12 "Living in the Shadow of Future Hope"
Hymn: My Hope Is in the Lord (213)
Closing prayer & Benediction: Numbers 6:24-26
Today - February 16th
6:00 - Evening service. Sean will be preaching from Php 3:19-21
Wednesday - February 19th
7:00 - Midweek Bible study.
Next Sunday - February 23rd
9:30 - Sunday School for grades 1-6.
10:30 - Worship Service with children’s church and nursery
6:00 - Evening service
Men’s study every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 8:00 am.
Women’s Bible studies
02/24, 7:00 pm at Wendy’s home
02/27, 1:00 pm at Sue’s home
02/28, 7:00 - Youth
02/21, 7:00 - Young adults study at Caleb and Rebecca’s home
For Prayer-chain requests, call Don Moore (650-0742) or Liz Breedveld (608-8924).